Centralized Service Scheduling Solution
for Manufacturers and Distributors

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Customer-centric service appointment scheduling system, fully integrated with OEM apps, brand websites, and dealer systems.

Seamless Customer Experience

Ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience across various channels, with a focus on customer self-service.

Uniformity Across Dealer Network

Enabling OEMs to manage and control the customer lifecycle effectively.

Patented Automated Workshop Capacity Management

Allowing for efficient resource management and providing customers with certainty when booking an appointment.

Time to Market

A ready-made solution that is quick to deploy, with easy integration into OEM apps, brand websites, dealer systems, and OEM pricing guides.

Overview of the Centralized Service Appointment Scheduling System

Carmen's centralized service appointment scheduling system integrates various customer and dealer interfaces to provide a seamless and efficient booking experience.

Customers can initiate the service appointment process through the OEM customer app or the OEM website, selecting their preferred dealer from the available options.

This system ensures a uniform appointment booking process across different channels, including dealer websites, which are linked back to the OEM site for consistency and ease of use. The Carmen dealer web application interface for service advisors and BDC supports direct bookings when customers call the dealer, ensuring that all entry points lead to a standardized and streamlined scheduling experience.

The system's architecture highlights the collaborative management between OEMs and dealers. While the primary interfaces, such as the OEM customer app and website, are managed by the OEM, dealer websites and direct dealer interactions via the Carmen dealer web app are co-managed to maintain consistency.

The unified appointment booking platform connects these interfaces, facilitating real-time updates and efficient capacity management through the dealer DMS. Additionally, the system supports comprehensive OEM reporting, providing detailed insights into dealer performance and customer behavior across various levels, from individual dealers to national overviews.

This integration enhances operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall resource management.

Challenges of Deploying an Efficient Centralized Service Appointment Scheduling System from the OEM Perspective


One of the primary challenges is the fragmentation across different booking systems used by OEM brand apps, dealer websites, and other channels. This fragmentation leads to inconsistent customer experiences, where customers might face varying interfaces, procedures, and service levels depending on the platform they use. Such inconsistencies can erode customer trust and satisfaction, making it harder for the OEM to maintain a cohesive brand image.

Customer Experience Issues

Current booking systems often rely heavily on the manual work of service advisors and Business Development Centers (BDCs). This manual process can lead to difficulties in booking appointments, with customers experiencing long wait times or miscommunication. The complexity and inconvenience can result in customer frustration, leading to a potential loss of business as customers seek alternatives that offer a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.

Operational Inefficiencies

Managing resources effectively is another significant challenge. Without a centralized system, dealerships struggle with underutilized capacity, overbooking, or uneven distribution of service appointments. These inefficiencies lead to increased operational costs and lower profitability. Service advisors might be overwhelmed during peak times and underutilized during off-peak periods, making it difficult to optimize labor and resource allocation.


Integrating a new centralized service appointment scheduling system with existing dealer management systems (DMS), OEM apps, brand websites, and other digital platforms can be complex and resource-intensive. Ensuring seamless data flow between these systems is critical for real-time updates, accurate scheduling, and maintaining the integrity of customer and service data. The challenge lies in developing robust APIs, ensuring data security, and managing the diverse IT environments across various dealerships and OEM networks.

How Carmen Addresses OEM Service Appointment Scheduling Challenges?

Overcoming Fragmentation and Enhancing Customer Experience

Carmen provides a unified booking system that integrates with OEM brand apps, dealer websites, and customer interfaces. This standardization ensures a consistent and seamless customer experience across all platforms, reducing discrepancies and confusion. Carmen's user-friendly interface minimizes the need for manual work by service advisors and BDCs, streamlining the booking process and reducing potential frustrations.

Boosting Operational Efficiency and Simplifying Integrations

Carmen enhances operational efficiency with its automated workshop capacity management system, optimizing resource allocation and reducing underutilized capacity. This helps dealerships lower costs and improve profitability. Additionally, Carmen simplifies integration with existing systems through its robust API framework, ensuring seamless data flow, real-time updates, and accurate scheduling, addressing key challenges in deploying a centralized service appointment system.

Full Market Visibility in Real Time

Comprehensive Reporting Integration

Carmen offers seamless integration with OEM data lakes, ensuring real-time, event-based reporting capabilities. This integration allows for the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data, providing valuable insights to improve decision-making processes.

Detailed Performance Reports

Carmen generates individual reports on workshop and dealer performance, as well as customer behavior. These reports provide an in-depth look at key performance indicators, helping to identify areas of improvement and opportunities for growth.

Multi-Level Reporting

Reports can be tailored to various organizational levels, including specific dealers, areas, zones, and national overviews. This multi-tiered approach ensures that relevant data is accessible to the appropriate stakeholders, facilitating targeted actions and strategies. Reports are generated on a monthly basis, offering regular updates and trend analysis.

Customizable Reporting Dashboards

Carmen provides reporting dashboards that can be customized to display OEM-requested data points. These dashboards offer various access levels, ensuring that each user sees information pertinent to their role. The dashboards are user-friendly, enabling quick and easy access to critical data without the need for extensive training.

How to Get Started?

Get in Touch

Reach out to our team for a demo, analysis of existing infrastructure and data sources,  and to start collaborating on your centralized service appointment scheduling system.

Steps to Initiate the Project

1. Stakeholder meetings to discuss project goals, requirements, and expectations.
2. Detailed project plan, outlining the scope, timelines, and milestones.
3. Resource allocation including personnel, technology, and budget, to ensure successful implementation.

Pilot Deployment

Implementing a pilot solution at a limited number of dealerships in a selected country or region to test and refine the system.

Expected pilot outcomes:
1. Positive customer experiences and feedback to fine-tune the system.
2. Improved scheduling efficiency and better resource utilization.

Questions frequently asked by OEMs

How do you identify the customer?

Phone number, email, VIN, registration, (Full name - only on the dealer interface)

How do you identify vehicles?

VIN or registration.

Do you identify open recalls?


Do you push recalls to consumers?

Yes, we offer to the customer at time of appointment the option to have a recall completed during their visit, with a disclaimer that some recalls require parts and the recall will be completed based on parts availability.

Can you run recall campaigns, notifying customers of open recalls?

Yes, requires OEM data feed.

How do you push maintenance recommendations?

Yes, based on time and mileage.

Can you manage dealer staff vacations, holidays and days off? Does this affect workshop capacity?


How are notifications sent to customers?

Text message or push notification to the OEM app. 

Are notifications customizable?


Are you GDPR and EAA 2025 compliant?


Does Carmen have servers in Europe?


Is Carmen multilingual?


Do you have offices in Europe?

Yes, in Poland.

We have 50 dealers in the country, can you provide dealer training at scale?

Yes, both online, through Carmen academy and in store if requested.

Does the dealer have the ability to manage the platform?

Yes, except for centrally managed OEM requirements. They cannot change messaging or customer interface OEM branding

Can dealers manage capacity on a daily basis?


Does Carmen pull, store and process service history?


Can maintenance and concern templates be centrally managed and controlled by the OEM?


Can maintenance items have different pricing for different models? 


Can the concern question tree be customized?


Can Carmen facilitate central, third party or off-site BDCs?


Can you send us real time reporting data?

Yes, via APIs directly into the OEM data lake.

What data feeds from the OEM would be requested?

Recall information and updates, accessories (general or VIN specific), extended warranty, service plans, warranty information.

Can you integrate with an OEM mobile app?


Can Carmen operate on the OEM website?


Can Carmen be white-labelled?
